Monday, May 28, 2012

The Amazon and Brazilian Food

Dear friends and family,

We are here to talk to you about the kinds of food that people eat in Brazil. The biggest meal of the day is lunch. This happens at the hottest part of the day so they go inside to have a big meal at then have a siesta (a nap). They eat meat stew, rice, black beans and lots of fresh fruit. They also eat a lot of seafood like shrimp.

Claire's drawing of Brazilian food
We have also learned about the Amazon. The Amazon is a really thick rainforest in Brazil. It is really hot there. There are lots of animals that live there including frogs, bird-eating tarantulas, red army ants. Poison Arrow Frogs also live there, and each one has enough poison to kill one hundred people.

These are red army ants going into their home
Thank you for reading our blog post.


Claire and James M.

1 comment:

  1. Your article about Brazilian Food is really interesting. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. We are Brazilian Portuguese family and we like Brazilian food very much. I have tried many Brazilian recipes which i got from youtube and many other website.
